@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ void main(List<String> arguments) {
final parser = ArgParser() |
..addOption('file', abbr: 'f', help: 'Read JSON from file instead of stdin', valueHelp: 'filename') |
..addOption('input', help: 'Read JSON as parameter instead of stdin', valueHelp: 'json input') |
..addOption('jsonpath', aliases: ['path'], help: 'Display only the matches of the JSON document', valueHelp: 'JSONPath query') |
..addOption('jsonpath', aliases: ['path'], help: 'Display only the matches of the JSON path', valueHelp: 'JSONPath query') |
..addOption('jsonpointer', aliases: ['pointer'], abbr: 'p', help: 'Display only the matches of the JSON pointer', valueHelp: 'JSON Pointer') |
..addOption('indent', abbr: 'i', help: 'Set space indentation level (prefix with t for tab indentation)', defaultsTo: '2') |
..addOption('max-depth', abbr: 'd', help: 'Specify maximum nesting before stopping printing'); |