# tdlib-docker [tdlib](https://github.com/tdlib/td) builds in a Docker container. Also available on [DockerHub](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/kbruen/tdlib). ## Versions The currently built versions are: - `1.7.0-buster`, `buster`, `1.7.0`, `latest` - `1.7.0-buster-slim`, `1.7.0-slim`, `buster-slim`, `slim` - `1.7.0-alpine3.13`, `1.7.0-alpine3`, `1.7.0-alpine`, `alpine3.13`, `alpine3`, `alpine` - `1.7.0-focal`, `focal` ## How to use The outputs of the build process are placed in the `/tdlib` folder in the image. The best way to use the images is in a multi-stage build: ```dockerfile FROM ghcr.io/dancojcoaru2000/tdlib:alpine3 AS tdlib FROM alpine:3 COPY --from=tdlib /tdlib /tdlib/ ``` Keep in mind that you will need to install additional dependencies (OpenSSL and zlib). Consult the [dependencies part](https://github.com/tdlib/td#dependencies) of the tdlib README, the [build instructions](https://tdlib.github.io/td/build.html) page and/or the Dockerfile used to build the image. ## How to build The files used to build the images are located in the [GitHub repository](https://github.com/dancojocaru2000/tdlib-docker). To build an image, run one of the following commands: - `env ALPINE_VERSION=3 alpine/build.sh 1.7.0` - `env DEBIAN_VERSION=buster-slim debian/build.sh 1.7.0` - `env UBUNTU_VERSION=focal ubuntu/build.sh 1.7.0` The `*_VERSION` environment variable selects which Docker image version to base the build on. The `1.7.0` parameter to the `build.sh` script specifies the [tdlib version tag](https://github.com/tdlib/td/tags).