You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using InfoferScraper;
using InfoferScraper.Models.Station;
using InfoferScraper.Models.Train;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using scraper.Models.Itinerary;
using Server.Models;
using Server.Services.Interfaces;
using Server.Utils;
namespace Server.Services.Implementations {
public class DataManager : IDataManager {
private ILogger<DataManager> Logger { get; }
private IDatabase Database { get; }
private NodaTime.IDateTimeZoneProvider TzProvider { get; }
private NodaTime.DateTimeZone CfrTimeZone => TzProvider["Europe/Bucharest"];
public DataManager(NodaTime.IDateTimeZoneProvider tzProvider, IDatabase database, ILogger<DataManager> logger, ProxySettings? proxySettings) {
this.TzProvider = tzProvider;
this.Database = database;
this.Logger = logger;
HttpClientHandler httpClientHandler = new (){
UseProxy = proxySettings != null,
Proxy = proxySettings == null ? null : new WebProxy(proxySettings.Url),
DefaultProxyCredentials = proxySettings?.Credentials == null ? null : new NetworkCredential(proxySettings.Credentials.Username, proxySettings.Credentials.Password),
InfoferScraper.Scrapers.StationScraper stationScraper = new(httpClientHandler);
InfoferScraper.Scrapers.TrainScraper trainScraper = new(httpClientHandler);
InfoferScraper.Scrapers.RouteScraper routeScraper = new(httpClientHandler);
stationCache = new(async (t) => {
var (stationName, date) = t;
Logger.LogDebug("Fetching station {StationName} for date {Date}", stationName, date);
var zonedDate = new NodaTime.LocalDate(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day).AtStartOfDayInZone(CfrTimeZone);
var station = await stationScraper.Scrape(stationName, zonedDate.ToDateTimeOffset());
if (station != null) {
_ = Task.Run(async () => {
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
await Database.OnStationData(station);
var ms = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
Logger.LogInformation("OnStationData timing: {StationDataMs} ms", ms);
return station;
}, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
trainCache = new(async (t) => {
var (trainNumber, date) = t;
Logger.LogDebug("Fetching train {TrainNumber} for date {Date}", trainNumber, date);
var zonedDate = new NodaTime.LocalDate(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day).AtStartOfDayInZone(CfrTimeZone);
var train = await trainScraper.Scrape(trainNumber, zonedDate.ToDateTimeOffset());
if (train != null) {
_ = Task.Run(async () => {
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
await Database.OnTrainData(train);
var ms = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
Logger.LogInformation("OnTrainData timing: {StationDataMs} ms", ms);
return train;
}, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
itinerariesCache = new(async (t) => {
var (from, to, date) = t;
Logger.LogDebug("Fetching itinerary from {From} to {To} for date {Date}", from, to, date);
var zonedDate = new NodaTime.LocalDate(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day).AtStartOfDayInZone(CfrTimeZone);
var itineraries = await routeScraper.Scrape(from, to, zonedDate.ToDateTimeOffset());
if (itineraries != null) {
_ = Task.Run(async () => {
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
await Database.OnItineraries(itineraries);
var ms = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
Logger.LogInformation("OnItineraries timing: {StationDataMs} ms", ms);
return itineraries;
}, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
private readonly AsyncCache<(string, DateOnly), IStationScrapeResult?> stationCache;
private readonly AsyncCache<(string, DateOnly), ITrainScrapeResult?> trainCache;
private readonly AsyncCache<(string, string, DateOnly), IReadOnlyList<IItinerary>?> itinerariesCache;
public Task<IStationScrapeResult?> FetchStation(string stationName, DateTimeOffset date) {
var cfrDateTime = new NodaTime.ZonedDateTime(NodaTime.Instant.FromDateTimeOffset(date), CfrTimeZone);
var cfrDate = new DateOnly(cfrDateTime.Year, cfrDateTime.Month, cfrDateTime.Day);
return stationCache.GetItem((stationName.RoLettersToEn().ToLowerInvariant(), cfrDate));
public Task<ITrainScrapeResult?> FetchTrain(string trainNumber, DateTimeOffset date) {
var cfrDateTime = new NodaTime.ZonedDateTime(NodaTime.Instant.FromDateTimeOffset(date), CfrTimeZone);
var cfrDate = new DateOnly(cfrDateTime.Year, cfrDateTime.Month, cfrDateTime.Day);
return trainCache.GetItem((trainNumber, cfrDate));
public async Task<IReadOnlyList<IItinerary>?> FetchItineraries(string from, string to, DateTimeOffset? date = null) {
var cfrDateTime = new NodaTime.ZonedDateTime(NodaTime.Instant.FromDateTimeOffset(date ?? DateTimeOffset.Now), CfrTimeZone);
var cfrDate = new DateOnly(cfrDateTime.Year, cfrDateTime.Month, cfrDateTime.Day);
return await itinerariesCache.GetItem((from, to, cfrDate));