You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
740 lines
17 KiB
740 lines
17 KiB
# Generated by pub |
# See |
packages: |
_fe_analyzer_shared: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: _fe_analyzer_shared |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "50.0.0" |
analyzer: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: analyzer |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "5.2.0" |
args: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: args |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.3.1" |
async: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: async |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.10.0" |
build: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: build |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.3.1" |
build_config: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: build_config |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.1.1" |
build_daemon: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: build_daemon |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "3.1.0" |
build_resolvers: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: build_resolvers |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.1.0" |
build_runner: |
dependency: "direct dev" |
description: |
name: build_runner |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.3.2" |
build_runner_core: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: build_runner_core |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "7.2.7" |
built_collection: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: built_collection |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "5.1.1" |
built_value: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: built_value |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "8.4.2" |
characters: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: characters |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.2.1" |
checked_yaml: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: checked_yaml |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.0.1" |
clock: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: clock |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.1.1" |
code_builder: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: code_builder |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "4.3.0" |
collection: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: collection |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.16.0" |
convert: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: convert |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "3.1.1" |
crypto: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: crypto |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "3.0.2" |
cupertino_icons: |
dependency: "direct main" |
description: |
name: cupertino_icons |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.0.5" |
dart_style: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: dart_style |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.2.4" |
ffi: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: ffi |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.0.1" |
file: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: file |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "6.1.4" |
fixnum: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: fixnum |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.0.1" |
fluent_ui: |
dependency: "direct main" |
description: |
name: fluent_ui |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "4.0.3+1" |
flutter: |
dependency: "direct main" |
description: flutter |
source: sdk |
version: "0.0.0" |
flutter_hooks: |
dependency: "direct main" |
description: |
name: flutter_hooks |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "0.18.5+1" |
flutter_lints: |
dependency: "direct dev" |
description: |
name: flutter_lints |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.0.1" |
flutter_localizations: |
dependency: transitive |
description: flutter |
source: sdk |
version: "0.0.0" |
flutter_riverpod: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: flutter_riverpod |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.0.2" |
flutter_web_plugins: |
dependency: transitive |
description: flutter |
source: sdk |
version: "0.0.0" |
freezed: |
dependency: "direct dev" |
description: |
name: freezed |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.2.0" |
freezed_annotation: |
dependency: "direct main" |
description: |
name: freezed_annotation |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.2.0" |
frontend_server_client: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: frontend_server_client |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "3.1.0" |
glob: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: glob |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.1.0" |
graphs: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: graphs |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.2.0" |
hooks_riverpod: |
dependency: "direct main" |
description: |
name: hooks_riverpod |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.0.2" |
http: |
dependency: "direct main" |
description: |
name: http |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "0.13.5" |
http_multi_server: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: http_multi_server |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "3.2.1" |
http_parser: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: http_parser |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "4.0.2" |
intl: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: intl |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "0.17.0" |
io: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: io |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.0.3" |
js: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: js |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "0.6.4" |
json_annotation: |
dependency: "direct main" |
description: |
name: json_annotation |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "4.7.0" |
json_serializable: |
dependency: "direct dev" |
description: |
name: json_serializable |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "6.5.4" |
lints: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: lints |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.0.1" |
logging: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: logging |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.1.0" |
matcher: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: matcher |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "0.12.13" |
material_color_utilities: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: material_color_utilities |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "0.1.5" |
meta: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: meta |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.8.0" |
mime: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: mime |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.0.2" |
package_config: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: package_config |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.1.0" |
package_info_plus: |
dependency: "direct main" |
description: |
name: package_info_plus |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "3.0.1" |
package_info_plus_platform_interface: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: package_info_plus_platform_interface |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.0.1" |
path: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: path |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.8.2" |
path_provider_linux: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: path_provider_linux |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.1.7" |
path_provider_platform_interface: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: path_provider_platform_interface |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.0.5" |
path_provider_windows: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: path_provider_windows |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.1.3" |
platform: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: platform |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "3.1.0" |
plugin_platform_interface: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: plugin_platform_interface |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.1.3" |
pool: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: pool |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.5.1" |
process: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: process |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "4.2.4" |
pub_semver: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: pub_semver |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.1.2" |
pubspec_parse: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: pubspec_parse |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.2.1" |
quiver: |
dependency: "direct main" |
description: |
name: quiver |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "3.1.0" |
recase: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: recase |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "4.1.0" |
riverpod: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: riverpod |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.0.2" |
scroll_pos: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: scroll_pos |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "0.3.0" |
shared_preferences: |
dependency: "direct main" |
description: |
name: shared_preferences |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.0.15" |
shared_preferences_android: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: shared_preferences_android |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.0.14" |
shared_preferences_ios: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: shared_preferences_ios |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.1.1" |
shared_preferences_linux: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: shared_preferences_linux |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.1.1" |
shared_preferences_macos: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: shared_preferences_macos |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.0.4" |
shared_preferences_platform_interface: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: shared_preferences_platform_interface |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.1.0" |
shared_preferences_web: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: shared_preferences_web |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.0.4" |
shared_preferences_windows: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: shared_preferences_windows |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.1.1" |
shelf: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: shelf |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.4.0" |
shelf_web_socket: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: shelf_web_socket |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.0.2" |
sky_engine: |
dependency: transitive |
description: flutter |
source: sdk |
version: "0.0.99" |
source_gen: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: source_gen |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.2.6" |
source_helper: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: source_helper |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.3.3" |
source_span: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: source_span |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.9.1" |
sprintf: |
dependency: "direct main" |
description: |
name: sprintf |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "7.0.0" |
stack_trace: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: stack_trace |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.11.0" |
state_notifier: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: state_notifier |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "0.7.2+1" |
stream_channel: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: stream_channel |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.1.1" |
stream_transform: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: stream_transform |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.0.1" |
string_scanner: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: string_scanner |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.1.1" |
term_glyph: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: term_glyph |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.2.1" |
timing: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: timing |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.0.0" |
tuple: |
dependency: "direct main" |
description: |
name: tuple |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.0.1" |
typed_data: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: typed_data |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.3.1" |
url_launcher: |
dependency: "direct main" |
description: |
name: url_launcher |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "6.1.6" |
url_launcher_android: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: url_launcher_android |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "6.0.21" |
url_launcher_ios: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: url_launcher_ios |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "6.0.17" |
url_launcher_linux: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: url_launcher_linux |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "3.0.1" |
url_launcher_macos: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: url_launcher_macos |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "3.0.1" |
url_launcher_platform_interface: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: url_launcher_platform_interface |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.1.1" |
url_launcher_web: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: url_launcher_web |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.0.13" |
url_launcher_windows: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: url_launcher_windows |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "3.0.1" |
vector_math: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: vector_math |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.1.2" |
watcher: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: watcher |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "1.0.2" |
web_socket_channel: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: web_socket_channel |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "2.2.0" |
win32: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: win32 |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "3.0.1" |
xdg_directories: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: xdg_directories |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "0.2.0+2" |
yaml: |
dependency: transitive |
description: |
name: yaml |
url: "" |
source: hosted |
version: "3.1.1" |
sdks: |
dart: ">=2.18.0 <3.0.0" |
flutter: ">=3.0.0"