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import 'package:timezone/timezone.dart' as tz;
enum UiTimeZoneType {
extension UITimeZoneTypeName on UiTimeZoneType {
String get userInterfaceName => (const {
UiTimeZoneType.iana: 'Fus orar IANA',
UiTimeZoneType.local: 'Local', 'România',
UiTimeZoneType.utc: 'UTC',
const Map<UiTimeZoneType, UiTimeZone Function(String)> fromSerStringConstructors = { RoUiTimeZone.fromSerString,
UiTimeZoneType.local: LocalUiTimeZone.fromSerString,
UiTimeZoneType.utc: UtcUiTimeZone.fromSerString,
UiTimeZoneType.iana: IanaUiTimeZone.fromSerString,
abstract class UiTimeZone {
final UiTimeZoneType type;
const UiTimeZone({required this.type});
DateTime convertDateTime(DateTime dt);
factory UiTimeZone.fromSerString(String ser) {
final arr = ser.split('\n');
return, value) => MapEntry(, value))[arr[0]]!(ser);
String toSerString() {
return '${}\n';
class RoUiTimeZone extends UiTimeZone {
static final roTz = tz.getLocation('Europe/Bucharest');
const RoUiTimeZone() : super(type:;
factory RoUiTimeZone.fromSerString(String ser) => const RoUiTimeZone();
DateTime convertDateTime(DateTime dt) {
return tz.TZDateTime.from(dt, roTz);
class LocalUiTimeZone extends UiTimeZone {
const LocalUiTimeZone() : super(type: UiTimeZoneType.local);
factory LocalUiTimeZone.fromSerString(String ser) => LocalUiTimeZone();
DateTime convertDateTime(DateTime dt) => dt.toLocal();
class UtcUiTimeZone extends UiTimeZone {
const UtcUiTimeZone() : super(type: UiTimeZoneType.utc);
factory UtcUiTimeZone.fromSerString(String ser) => UtcUiTimeZone();
DateTime convertDateTime(DateTime dt) => dt.toUtc();
class IanaUiTimeZone extends UiTimeZone {
late final tz.Location location;
IanaUiTimeZone({required String ianaName}): super(type: UiTimeZoneType.iana) {
location = tz.getLocation(ianaName);
factory IanaUiTimeZone.fromSerString(String ser) => IanaUiTimeZone(
ianaName: ser.split('\n').skip(1).join('\n'),
DateTime convertDateTime(DateTime dt) {
return tz.TZDateTime.from(dt, location);
String toSerString() {
return '${}\n${}';