Project, Web Technologies, Year 3, Semester 1
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

46 lines
1.7 KiB

from flask.views import MethodView
from flask_smorest import Blueprint
from marshmallow import Schema, fields
from ..decorators import ensure_logged_in
from ..models import Transaction
from ..db_utils import get_transactions
from .. import returns
bp = Blueprint('transactions', __name__, description='Bank transfers and other transactions')
class TransactionsList(MethodView):
class TransactionsParams(Schema):
account_id = fields.Int(min=1)
class TransactionsGetResponse(returns.SuccessSchema):
transactions = fields.List(fields.Nested(Transaction.TransactionSchema))
@bp.response(401, returns.ErrorSchema, description='Login failure')
@bp.doc(security=[{'Token': []}])
@bp.arguments(TransactionsParams, as_kwargs=True, location='query')
@bp.response(200, TransactionsGetResponse)
def get(self, account_id: int):
"""Get transactions for a certain account"""
return returns.success(
transactions=[t.to_json() for t in get_transactions(account_id)]
class TransactionsCreateParams(Schema):
account_id = fields.Int(min=1)
destination_iban = fields.Str()
amount = fields.Int(min=1)
class TransactionsCreateResponse(returns.SuccessSchema):
transaction = fields.Nested(Transaction.TransactionSchema)
@bp.response(401, returns.ErrorSchema, description='Login failure')
@bp.doc(security=[{'Token': []}])
@bp.response(200, TransactionsCreateResponse)
def post(self, account_id: int, destination_iban: str, amount: int):
"""Create a send_transfer transaction"""
raise NotImplementedError()